We are recruiting new members!


Indonesia Mengglobal (IM) is recruiting new team members for the period of Feb – Dec 2014. Please click on the respective links below to learn more about the different roles we are recruiting as well as to apply:

1. Regional Editors – covering the North America region (e.g. U.S. & Canada)
2. Social Media Manager – managing Indonesia Mengglobal’s social media accounts
3. Campus Representatives – organizing Indonesia Mengglobal events on campus
4. Technical Coordinator – maintaining and developing the web framework for Indonesia Mengglobal

The new team will fit into a new organizational structure in Indonesia Mengglobal with the following entities:

  • IM team – includes all the positions (editors, social media managers, campus representatives, technical coordinator, and project manager) responsible for daily operations in IM.
  • IM team leaders – in charge of overseeing the team. For the 2014 period, the team leaders will be Donny Eryastha and Martin Tjioe.
  • Alumni – reserved for team members who have graduated from Indonesia Mengglobal.
  • Advisory committee – provides advice to the team and meet up once every few months to provide inputs and feedback. The advisory committee includes Veni Johanna, Stevia Angesty, Donny Eryastha and Martin Tjioe.

Team members of the current period will be eligible to become team leaders in the next period.

The deadline of application for the various roles above for the 2014 period is 31st December 2013. Once the application has closed, we will schedule interviews with the candidates. New team members will begin their roles on 1st February 2014.

If you have any questions about the positions or becoming a team member, please let us know at indonesiamengglobal at gmail dot com. We are looking forward to your application!


    • Hi Yesus,

      Thank you for the question. If you click on the links on the respective roles, you will be brought to their individual pages. In each of these pages, there is a link to access the application form for the positions. Just fill up the form to complete the application and we will get in touch with you when the application has closed. Good luck!

  1. Hello saya kartika dwi ananda
    Saya ingin tau lebih lanjut tentang beasiswa di New York University Abu Dhabi
    1.Apakah orang yang bisa mendapatkan beasiswa 100% di universitas tersebut hanya orang orang yang pintar saja?
    2. Saat ini saya kan baru kelas 1 SMA apakah saya bisa mendaftar sebelum saya lulus SMA dan bisa mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut? Dan syaratnya apa saja?


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