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Devi Larasati P. Murwaningrum

Devi Larasati Parmaliningtyas Murwaningrum is a British Council IELTS Prize 2020/2021 Awardee and a British Council IELTS Ambassador from Indonesia. She is currently pursuing her degree of MSc in Global Public Health at the University of Greenwich, UK. She held a Master's in Defense Management, a joint degree from Indonesia Defense University (UNHAN) and Cranfield University. She graduated with a Bachelor's of Management (Finance and Banking) from Universitas Indonesia. Her passion for the health sector has brought her some working experiences in maternal and child health programmes with Save the Children Indonesia and IPAS Indonesia. Prior to her study, she held a role as Programme Officer for Indonesia at Leo and Mia Foundation, a UK not-for-profit organisation that focused on interventions for preterm babies. She is a gastronome who loves singing and travelling.