Pekerjaan Paruh Waktu Mengantar Saya kepada Kesarjanaan

Kamu berniat kuliah di Amerika Serikat (AS) dan kondisi finansialmu terbatas. Kamu berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa untuk kuliah di AS namun beasiswa tersebut tidak mencakup...

5 life tips in studying abroad

Every now and then we find our friends say, "I want to study overseas." I bet it's not all because of the university, the...

A History of PERMIAS: Origins and Formation

This is the first part of the series "A History of PERMIAS". PERMIAS is the Indonesian Students Association in the United States of America. December...

I Suffer from Chronic Homesickness: Chronicles of a guilt-driven, privileged girl abroad

As children we were taught to escape "this small town." Unable to withstand another day hearing the same old gossip from the same old...

Menggapai Cita-Cita Berkat Beasiswa Unggulan Kemendikbud

Semenjak perkuliahan sarjana, saya bermimpi untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang S2 di luar negeri. Saya penasaran dengan kompetisi dan kualitas pendidikan yang notabene lebih unggul...

Studying in TAFE Australia: A dream comes true

Studying in Australia is my lifelong dream. Ten years ago after I graduated from high school, I almost had the opportunity to study there but...

Applying for Portland State University’s Business School

What is your motivation in getting a business degree? Before starting your application, make sure that you had an answer for that question. After...

Visiting Columbia University

Pada bulan Februari lalu, saya berkesempatan mengunjungi Columbia University in the City of New York atau biasa disebut Columbia University. Columbia University adalah universitas...

A Glimpse of LPDP Scholarship

I was so fortunate to be able to meet Ms. Sri Mulyani, our former Finance Minister, in Ramadhan 2013. I blame it on having...

Australia: On choosing where and what to study

Australia has been one of the main destinations for many Indonesians to study for years. It is geographically close and the climate is not...