Why New Zealand? Reasons to Go Beyond Australia in Your Search for Quality Education


I still remember the conversation I had with my homeroom teacher on high school graduation day. “Where are you studying for your Bachelor’s Degree, Cindy?” he asked.

“Auckland, New Zealand, Sir,” I answered rather proudly. I knew my friends were going to Australia and the USA, so I was confident he’d be impressed with my choice. Why, the quiet and inhibited me had chosen to go to a land where no IPEKA Christian High School’s student had gone before. It was a bold choice! Surely I deserved a little praise.

But, no. No praise. No congratulations. I didn’t even get a smile. His next word was, “Why?” He looked confused. “Why New Zealand? Why not Australia?”

Why, indeed. Australia was the more obvious choice. Its universities have reputable reputations. Its graduates are highly sought after. For long the continent has been the first choice for many Indonesian students searching for quality in their higher education. My choice to disregard these esteemed qualities and went for the underdog seemed ludicrous, not only to my homeroom teacher, but to many others as well.

At that time, I didn’t get the chance to answer my teacher’s question as he got pulled into a group photo. But that wasn’t the last time I got asked with the same question. During the course of my three-year study, I encountered many who found it hard to understand the reason behind my decision.

“Is it because of The Lord of The Rings? Are you a big fan?” a guy friend asked.

I rolled my eyes and answered no. That would be the dumbest reason.

“Is it because you can’t get into an Australian university?” a distant aunt asked.

“Why do you want to go there? Aren’t there more sheep than humans in New Zealand?”

“Aren’t you afraid your degree won’t be recognized?”

“Where is New Zealand anyway? Isn’t it, like, in the middle of nowhere?”

The questions went on and on and on.

Admittedly, I was surprised with people’s reaction, but I understood where they were coming from. Six years ago, New Zealand was lesser known and was among the least popular destination chosen by international students. The country was renowned for its breathtaking scenery and its role in The Lord of The Rings movies, not for its quality education. Its universities were not present in education fairs back then, whilst the Australia’s were a constant participant. Thus, the public knowledge of New Zealand education and its quality were limited.

However, things have changed in the past couple of years and I’m no longer receiving raised eyebrows or dubious looks every time I tell someone I’m a New Zealand university graduate. Thanks to governmental partnership in trades, tourism, and education, Indonesians’ awareness of New Zealand have improved. New Zealand universities like the Auckland University, AUT University, The University of Waikato, and Otago University have held numerous education fairs in the past two years or so. A friend who works as an agent for these universities tells me there is a significant increase in the number of students applying.

The Rotorua Daily Post reported that Indonesia is one of three countries the New Zealand government is prioritising as a partner in education. The government is looking to double its economic contribution to export education by 2025. The OCED’s (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development) Education at a Glance 2013 report shows the strength of New Zealand education system, with the country’s ranking forth in terms of the number of international students studying in tertiary level.

Now is the time to look beyond Australia in your search for quality education. If the above facts have not yet convinced you, here are more reasons why you should study in New Zealand.

It has an international reputation as a provider of quality education.

The country has just gained its popularity in Indonesia in recent years, but in Australia, UK, and European countries, New Zealand has long been regarded as one of the best places to study. Campuses are highly international and the education system adopts the British System, which is the world’s most recognized and accredited education system. With a degree from New Zealand, you’ll have a competitive advantage when applying for jobs.

Lower costs.

The New Zealand dollar is cheaper compared to Australia’s and the US. Cost of living in this country is also comparably lower. You can study under British education system with a fraction of the costs.

Enjoy high standard of living.

New Zealanders enjoy a high standard of living – ranking in the top 10 according to the United Nations, while Indonesia ranks 108th. Campuses are surrounded by green, open spaces and pollution is almost non-existent. Weather is pleasant throughout the year, with the exception of few cold winter nights. New Zealand is also one of the safest places on earth.

Feel welcomed and be a part of an internationally diverse culture.

New Zealanders, known affectionately as Kiwis, are very friendly people. They are well-travelled and thus are very welcoming toward new cultures. Zealand is a multicultural nation, with the Maori (the indigenous people), the Pakeha (European descents), Pacific Islanders, European, and Asian making up its population. Here, you can build your international contacts and form lasting friendships.

Work and study.

Accumulate work experiences to enhance your CV. International students can work up to 20 hours per week during the semester and up to 40 hours during the holidays. Additionally, you get a one-year work visa after you graduate, with an opportunity for extension.

Beautiful location.

Study in one of the world’s most beautiful country. Enjoy lavish scenery wherever you go. Travel the country and immense yourself in new cultures.

New Zealand is a great place to study. It is vastly becoming one of the world’s best providers of first-class education. It is a country with endless learning opportunities. Go beyond Australia. Look into New Zealand and see the quality of education being offered there.


Image credit: David Briody on Wikimedia Commons

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Cindy Tanudjaja is a Bachelor of Communication Studies graduate from AUT University in Auckland, New Zealand. She now resides in Jakarta, where she runs her online business and spends her spare time writing. When she's not dreaming up stories and characters to write, she enjoys reading, spending hours browsing good books in her favorite bookstore, catching the latest movies, and travelling to awesome destinations.


  1. Eye-opening. I’m finishing my four-year study in Malaysia this year, and maybe I should consider continuing in New Zealand after this. Plus, I do admire the scenery in Lord of the Rings. 😛

  2. Completely agree with your article. I did my bachelor degree and master degree in Auckland (University of Auckland and AUT University). Having similar standards compare to Australia, you will never be wrong to choose New Zealand to pursue your studies, and as a bonus, New Zealand could become you future home! 😀

  3. Hi Cindy. Thank you for new perspective to study in New Zealand. Do you have some information about AUT scholarship 2014 in engineering studies or the other scholarships in New Zealand?
    Thank you very much.


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