Festive Season in Tokyo


The end of the year is coming, and people around the world are looking forward to it, Tokyo is no exception. Are you curious how people in Tokyo celebrate this festive season? Here, Indonesia Mengglobal Columnist Steffen Hadi shares a glimpse of the festivities in Tokyo.


Nowadays, generally, people in Tokyo celebrate any big universal occasion, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, White Day, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, you name it.

In each celebration, there will be festivities shown by decoration of shopping centers, how people dress, sales and carnivals. Every year, it is peaked at the Christmas and New Year celebrations. Tokyo invests a lot in beautifying itself to celebrate Christmas and New Year. Retailers would do the same by promoting end-of-year sales, making the euphoria bigger.

It is not like the people in Tokyo celebrate it religiously; instead, the people in Tokyo just take the festivity of this festive season and implement it into their life as a method of rest and recuperation from their daily high-intensity life.

In every Christmas and New Year season, people would begin to flock the nicest parts of the city, as almost every corner of the city is decorating itself with Christmas trees and astonishing lighting ornaments. They are indeed a feast for the eyes.

Young couples tend to go out more, as the school is entering recess. Families would also spend their time together and visit attraction centers within the city. In brief, you could feel the festivity in almost every corner of the city.

Tokyo Winter 2

The favorite attraction during Christmas is Ginza, where you can see lots of sales for branded goods, and the street is decorated with beautiful lightings. Roppongi Hills is also a good place to spend your New Year party as there are a lot of bars ready to entertain you with magnificent decorations. If you are more into romanticism or family togetherness, Omotesando Hills, Tokyo Dome or Skytree might be a good idea for you to spend this festive season in Tokyo. All areas would be more beautiful during nighttime.

One thing that you should be aware of is that in Tokyo, the Christmas and End Year period is, often times, the peak of winter. It is very cold during such period in Tokyo, and although there is no snow in Tokyo, the cold wind is painful for you nose and ears. So if you are planning to spend the Christmas and End Year in Tokyo, please bring along your coat.

Another thing that you need to be aware of is the sale. You would be tempted with the sale of many branded goods, which would dry your pocket. You should be ready to hold your horse to face those unbelievable sales.

The final tip from me is that if you wish to have a Christmas dinner with your family in Tokyo in a restaurant, make sure that you have made reservation as early as possible. It seems that all families in Tokyo spend their Christmas Eve dining with their families. So make sure that you could get a seat for yourself and loved ones on the Christmas Eve.

Tokyo Winter

All in all, spending festive season in Tokyo is never a bad idea. It is the city that is always ready to greet the festive season. The atmosphere, people and celebration are no less festive that those cities like New York or Paris.

Happy holidays!


Photos Provided by Author

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Steffen Hadi studied LL.M. in University of Pennsylvania Law School and Wharton Business and Law Certificate of the Wharton School at the same university. He was the Class President of Penn Law LL.M. Class 2016, Penn Law Students Representative in University of Pennsylvania’s council, and international associate editor in Penn Law Journal of International Law. Steffen also interned at a prominent international law firm in Philadelphia. Aside from LL.M. Steffen also holds a Sarjana Hukum (LL.B. equivalent) from Parahyangan Catholic University. Steffen has been practicing law as a corporate lawyer in Jakarta and Singapore. Presently, he is a senior associate in a prominent law firm in Indonesia and independently assisting few legal issues for start-ups. In his spare time, Steffen is a movie freak, loyal runner, and outdoor trekker.


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