Beranda Penulis Dikirim oleh Chandra Jinata

Chandra Jinata

Chandra Jinata is currently a Doctor of Philosophy student in Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at The University of Hong Kong under the University’s Postgraduate Scholarship, focusing on applied molecular evolution. He previously finished his Master of Philosophy study in Bioengineering from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology under a fellowship scheme and graduated from Microbiology Undergraduate Study Program, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, where he was selected as the Most Outstanding Student in the program. During college, he also participated in two fully-funded student exchange programs at the Young Scientist Exchange Program at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan with Japan Student Service Organization Scholarship and joined Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking Program at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore under Temasek Foundation Scholarship. He is generally interested in how science and technology are developed and translated to benefit general society.

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