The Graduate School of International Studies: Choices for Full-English Programs at South Korea (Part 2)

The front facade of Pusan National University GSIS.

This is a continuation (Part 2) from the article related to graduate school of international studies in Korea. You can read the Part 1 here.


In the first part of this “GSIS in Korea” series, we already talked about the glimpse of the Graduate School of International Studies’ existence in Korea. These graduate schools might be one of your best choices for you to pursue graduate studies in Korea without much worry about Korean language proficiency.

And in this second and final part of this series, I would share other reasons why taking a GSIS degree in Korea might be valuable for Indonesian students in the future. And after that, I will provide short information about other GSIS(s) in Korea in addition to the GSIS in SNU, Korea University, Yonsei University, Ewha Women’s University, and Hanyang University that were already covered in the first part of the series.

The most essential reason why Korean GSIS can be really valuable for Indonesian students is we can learn how Korean society and government value themselves on the global stage. Both Indonesia and South Korea are meddling as middle-power and almost being all together in every multilateral organizations and initiatives constructed by middle-power countries, such as in MIKTA or P4G.

Another reason is that Korea is one of the best examples that Indonesia can learn from in terms of economic and political achievement. Korea is one of the first countries that already graduated from developing countries to a developed country, also being inducted into The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and Development Assistance Committee (DAC). Korea only needs less than a half-century to turning the tables from an aid recipient country to an aid donor country.

And lastly, Indonesia and Korea are already being knotted into the “special strategic partnership” diplomatic relationship. Then in the future, the relationship in almost every field between the two countries would be really fruitful. Even in defense affairs, Indonesia is the first country to buy Korea’s made jet-fighter and submarine.

Suppose you can learn how the Korean’s way of thinking by studying in GSIS and also retain its language, another opportunity will be open when you’re thinking of working or doing business with any Korean companies or entities encompassing Indonesia.

And now I would love to provide other GSIS that might attract you to Korea.





  1. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies – Graduate School of International and Area Studies (GSIAS)

The Graduate School of International and Area Studies was established in 1996 for the purpose of cultivating area specialists equipped with research capability and linguistic competence in regional languages and English, well-prepared to excel in the fields of trade, diplomacy, politics, economy, society, and culture, and international organizations.

Regarding the tuition fee, GSIAS offers the highest percentage of scholarships among all graduate schools in area studies in Korea, and it actually provides scholarships to all students.

GSIAS has established HUFS-UPEACE Dual Master’s Programs (International Law and Human Rights/Media, Peace and Conflict Studies/ Sustainable Development) which includes study for two semesters at the UN-mandated University for Peace, based in Costa Rica.

The curriculum based on these major divisions of study:

  • Korean Studies (in Korean Language)
  • Chinese Studies (in Chinese Language)
  • Japanese Studies (in Japanese Language)
  • Indian and ASEAN Studies (in English)
  • Middle East and African Studies (in English)
  • Russian and CIS Studies (in Russian Language)
  • European Union Studies (in English)
  • S. and Canadian Studies (in English)
  • Latin American Studies (in English)
  • International Development Studies (in English)
  • U-Peace (HUFS-Upeace Costa Rica Dual Master’s Program)

Further information on HUFS GSIAS can be observed on this site.




  1. Sogang University GSIS

One of the things which makes Sogang GSIS special is the high level of students’ satisfaction. High student-professor ratio — hallmark of Sogang GSIS, small class size, and high lecture quality are the reasons behind the satisfied student body of Sogang GSIS.

Sogang GSIS holds a global executive forum every week. It gives students chances of meeting international experts from domestic and foreign governments, embassies, large corporations, and NGOs.

For students who want to learn Korean, Sogang GSIS supports the part of tuition fee for learning Korean. International students of GSIS benefit 45–50% discount of the tuition fee for learning Korean at the Korean Language Education center of Sogang.

The curriculum based on these major divisions of study:

  • International Relations – including National Intelligence and Security Track
  • International Trade
  • International Finance
  • Korea and East Asia

Further information on Sogang GSIS can be observed on this site.

4_Pusan National University




  1. Pusan National University GSIS

The Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) in Pusan National University (PNU) was established in March 1997. The mandate given to the GSIS at the time of its establishment was to serve as an outstanding graduate program to prepare professionals who would be fluent in foreign languages and well-versed in international affairs.

The GSIS draws its strengths from the resources of Busan, a central city linking the Asian continent with the Pacific Ocean and one of the largest marine trade cities in Asia, and Pusan National University, the hub of the intellectual community in the southeastern region of Korea.

The unique degree is on International Logistics and Port Management that trains students to fulfill the professional and academic needs in the area of international logistics and port management by taking advantage of its geographical location ‘Busan’, a world-class container handling port.

The curriculum based on these major divisions of study:

  • International Trade
  • International Logistics and Port Management
  • International & Area Studies
  • European Union Studies
  • Korean Studies

Further information on PNU GSIS can be observed on this site.




  1. Chung-Ang University GSIS (CAU GSIS)

Chung-Ang’s GSIS is a master’s degree program dedicated to providing its students with a comprehensive education in global aspects of business, economy, and politics together with professional proficiency in foreign language communications.

The MA program is composed of two general programs: International Studies Program (ISP) and Advanced Interpretation & Translation Program (AITP). ISP consists of two concentrations of Global Business and Finance (GB&F) and Global Affairs and Trade (GA&T). AITP has three language concentrations — English, Chinese, and Russian.

The curriculum based on these major divisions of study:

  • Global Business and Finance
  • Global Affairs and Trade
  • Korean-English Advanced Interpretation and Translation Program (AITP)

Further information on CAU GSIS can be observed on this site.




  1. Sookmyung Women’s University GSIS

The Sookmyung Women’s University Graduate School of International Service(GSIS) was founded in 1997 to meet the demands of professionals in International Public Relation and Human Security & INGOs. It has produced highly trained professionals through unique teaching method and quality global education. It is also designed to nurture international communication specialists with an academic and practical focus on international PR, intercultural communication and public diplomacy.

There are various internship programs at the Korea Overseas Culture & Information Center, the Presidential Council on Nation Branding, the Korea Foundation, multinational PR agencies, etc. It is also well-known as some of its alumni worked as international journalist and other faculty members also promote students’ future careers at global media through internships at CNN, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, Arirang TV, etc.

The curriculum based on these major divisions of study:

  • International Public Relations-Public Diplomacy
  • International Development Cooperation

Further information on Sookmyung Women’s University GSIS can be observed in this site.

These are other five of the leading GSIS in South Korea, and also wrapped this “GSIS in Korea” series articles.

Any inquiries regarding GSIS in Korea kindly can be sent through my Instagram @Qobulsyah or LinkedIn Alvin Qobulsyah.

Until then, see you in the next article, and happy researching for your further graduate school. See you in Korea!

*Photos used are compiled from various sources by Author.

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Alvin Qobulsyah, is currently a Seoul-based full-time father and husband while accompanying her wife finishing doctoral studies at Seoul National University (SNU). During these times, he also got an opportunity to take a Master of International Studies degree program at SNU Graduate School of International Studies majoring in International Cooperation with a focus on Indonesian Migrant Workers. Completing his bachelor's degree at the Department of Political Science Universitas Indonesia, Alvin is a former news producer and video journalist at NET. Mediatama Televisi with six years of experience.


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