Ludwig Lie

Ludwig Lie: Benefits of studying in Canada

Our contributor, Ludwig Lie, shares his great story about studying in Canada. In a country with some of the best universities around the world,...

Leadership: The Ultimate Key to Getting Scholarships

Getting a scholarship to continue your studies abroad requires more than just being book-smart. Scholarship providers usually look beyond academic achievements and seek for...
Dhini posing next to a sign at the Fletcher School

Mommy’s Going Back to School: A Journey to Landing Acceptance and Scholarship to the...

Ever wonder what it's like as a parent who's taken a career break to go back to school? In this post, Dhini Purnamasari shares...
London School of Economics and Political Science

Belajar menjadi manusia kritis dari pengalaman studi ekonomi politik internasional di LSE

Bagi sebagian orang, istilah "ekonomi politik internasional" terdengar sangat serius dan kompleks. Bagi sebagian yang lain, frasa itu hanya sekedar jargon yang terlalu abstrak...

Ramadan di Wellington, New Zealand: Sebuah Kerinduan

Menjalani kehidupan sebagai mahasiswa di negeri orang dapat meninggalkan kesan tersendiri bagi para pelajar Indonesia. Hal ini juga berlaku bagi Intan Farhana, alumni Master of...

Mengapa Kuliah di Korea Selatan? Sebuah Nomor Perkenalan

Korea Selatan saat ini telah jadi salah satu preferensi mahasiswa Indonesia untuk melanjutkan studinya, mulai dari jenjang sarjana, pascasarjana hingga doktoral. Untuk kawasan Asia,...

Rindu Tanah Air, Menggagas Lomba Debat Ilmiah Berbahasa Indonesia Se-Eropa

Disaat sedang berkuliah jauh dari rumah, tentu banyak mahasiswa mengalami kerinduan akan rumah, atau homesickness. Ada beragam cara untuk menanganinya. Di artikel ini, Kontributor...
Yale University (Source:

Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Apply to Business Schools

In this article, our contributor, David Orlando Kurniawan, shares his tips on how to get an admission letter from a great business school. David...

Education in the time of corona

Like R.A. Kartini herself, our contributor Tracey Yani Harjatanaya is passionate about education. A doctoral candidate at the Department of Education, University of Oxford,...

There is Still Some Space: Women, Education, and Activism

In the spirit of Kartini Day commemoration, Indonesia Mengglobal aims to feature articles from the Indonesian female researchers, educators, and other professionals around the...