Crowdfunding Indonesia Mengglobal’s Inaugural Scholarship Fund


Since Indonesia Mengglobal’s founding in 2012, the phrase that we keep throwing around internally is tangible impact. This phrase guides us in our activities, programs and editorial decisions. The mentorship program in particular was a powerful experience for me: helping to shape my mentee’s applications, watching her confidence blossomed in the course of the mentorship, and cheering when she got admitted with full scholarship to a great university reminded me of why Martin and I started Indonesia Mengglobal in the first place.

What impact can be more tangible than lifting Indonesian students’ financial burden in applying to the best colleges in the world?

We are thus very, very excited to launch a crowdfunding campaign for the inaugural Indonesia Mengglobal Scholarship Fund today. This $3500 fund will be used to subsidize test and application fees of the mentees of Indonesia Mengglobal’s mentorship program, that will be rolled out in May. Test and application fees might seem small compared to tuition fees, but it is a non-trivial amount of money for most Indonesians, totalling at least twice the average monthly income in Indonesia. This simple contribution will go a long way!

We invite everyone to join us on this mission by contributing on this fund. To contribute and see more details, visit this link: If you have questions or concerns about this crowdfunding and how it will be used, don’t hesitate to shoot us an email at or leave comments here.

With your contribution, you can be a part of the development of Indonesia’s future leaders and have a tangible impact in their life. Thank you for all your support!

Note: Indonesia Mengglobal team and its contributors has been operating on a volunteer basis for two years, and it will continue to operate that way. Our operation is self-funded and all the proceeds will go directly towards our mentees.


  1. dear indonesia mengglobal team,

    I plan to participate in the mentorship program as a mentee and I am on my way in preparing the essays. according to the program will be held until June 12th, 2012. But, as I tried to fill the mentee application form yesterday, I found an announcement appeared on my screen “Form over quota. this form has exceeded its allocated quota”. does it mean that the application is now closed because of exceeded allocated quota? or do you have an alternative possible choice in which applicant can deliver the application form and other prerequisites?



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