Unlimited Dreams with a Limited Budget? Here’s How I Did It

Studying abroad is becoming more important in today's globalized world.  It allows students to boost their intellectuality to the highest level at an international...

From Piaget to J.K. Rowling: Why Changing Majors Is Worth the Struggle

Obtaining a Postgraduate degree is not an easy feat, and it all starts with the confidence and conviction that you have for the major you want...

Aryani Paramita: NTU Computer Science Valedictorian, From Humble Beginnings to Graduation

Pernahkah kamu berpikir, apakah untuk menjadi seseorang yang terbaik di bidangnya, kita harus terlahir dari suatu kelompok tertentu, keluarga tertentu, dari kalangan tertentu yang...

Networking: Investment for Your Future

  Life as a graduate student should not just be about going to classes and writing essays. I have discovered that it is also essential...

The Dual-Degree Program: 3,5 Years Of Studying Public Relations at University of Indonesia...

The dual-degree program is often the choice for students who want to be educated in prestigious local universities but is also eager to indulge...

Beasiswa INPEX: More than just a scholarship, It’s a life changing experience

Ketika memutuskan untuk melanjutkan studi ke luar negeri, hal pertama yang biasanya terlintas di dalam benak adalah kemana kita akan pergi. Selain kualitas institusi...

A Breakdown of Indonesian Students’ First Week in Russia

You’ve secured a spot in a Russian University, you’ve prepared all the necessary documents, and you finally step out of that airplane to breathe...

Things to Do Before Graduating College: Student Exchange Program

To be able to study abroad has been a dream of mine since I was in Junior High School. As a junior high schooler,...

Pre-Departure Tips 101

  Editor’s Note: As summer will fade away really soon, the season of studying abroad in the fall will start immediately. Going to a foreign...
Trio Lestari performs stunning rendition of Indonesian traditional songs at Et Cetera

The Secret Recipe of Project Management: Plan, Organize, Execute and Review!

Freshmen often ask about the importance of joining organisations in campus and what lessons can they learn from doing so. Steven Koesno shares his...