Becoming A Chevening Scholar: The Do’s And Don’ts

Time flies too fast I didn’t realize the autumn term 2013 has ended and I have now begun my second term at King’s College...

A Leap of Faith: Gap Years and Why You Should Take Them

It’s your last semester as a senior in high school. Your hard work, after all these years – all those sleepless nights mulling over...

Why Do Asian Students Participate Less In Classrooms? (A Video Presentation)

Asian students often struggle to participate in classroom discussions during their study-years aboard. This case applies to most, if not all, Indonesian students as...

3 Questions To Ponder Before Studying Abroad

I still remember the first time I arrived in Australia. I got off the plane alone. There was this whole new world called Melbourne...

First Semester: That’s A Wrap!

I am just done with my first semester at college! After merely four months at Brown University, I can gladly say that going there...

Seberapa Pentingnya Sih Reputasi Universitas Pilihanmu?

Daftar nama berbagai universitas menjulur di depanku. Yang mana yang harus kupilih? Apa kriteria yang perlu kuikuti? Setelah mencoret-coret dan menghapus papan tulisku beberapa...

Mengenal Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus Action 2

“Banyak jalan menuju Roma”, itulah salah satu peribahasa pedoman saya dalam mencari peluang beasiswa. Contohnya adalah salah satu beasiswa bergengsi untuk bersekolah di Eropa,...

Life as an ex-International Student

Moving overseas to study was hard. When we first packed our bags and moved halfway across the world, we ended up trying to adjust...

Choosing a Graduate Program

As an undergraduate student, choosing a graduate program could be difficult. A major problem is that most undergraduate majors, no matter how specific you...

Cheers to Friendship!

Before I went to the UK, I never imagined that I would be friends with a German. Or a Russian! Or even a Trini...