Yuri, her classmates, and lecturer in a classroom at Victoria University of Wellington. Source: Personal documentation

A Story from New Zealand during COVID-19: Yuri’s Resilience in Dealing with Homesickness

Pursuing a master's degree abroad is indeed an incredible journey. Besides studying, there are so many activities to do, such as volunteering and making...

Life as a Public Health (PhD) Student during the Global Health Crisis

Pursuing a doctoral degree itself is a challenging journey, not to mention in this isolated time during Covid-19 pandemic. In this article, Alicia Nevriana, a...

Creative Ways to Keep the Fluency Alive while Surviving Distance Learning

Since March 2020, most of us have learned to cope with the new unprecedented environment after the coronavirus hit. Even though most scholarship programs...

Life in the Time of Coronavirus Part 1: My Life During Lockdown, the Sleeping...

Coronavirus pandemic has brought adversities for everyone, including Ayu Ariyanti, an MPA graduate from New York University. During Indonesia Mengglobal's anniversary month themed "Celebrating...

A Smooth Road but (Still) Filled with Resilience

Honoured with a distinction from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), as well as being a young political candidate upon graduation,...
Restika Syarah dengan murid-murid di Little River Primary School, Australia. Sumber: Dokumentasi pribadi

Kuliah Sambil Kerja di Australia saat Pandemi Corona: Daya Tahan ala Restika

"Kuliah di luar negeri saat pandemi Corona merupakan hal yang tidak mudah untuk dilakukan, terutama apabila mengandalkan biaya sendiri. Di situasi yang tak menentu...

Studi PhD di Hungaria Sambil Bekerja, Seperti Apa Pengalamannya?

Artikel dari Santi Setyaningsih, mahasiswi PhD tahun ke-3 penerima beasiswa Stipendium Hungaricum, berikut memberi gambaran singkat bila Anda ingin bekerja (freelance) di Hungaria.   Saat...
Motivational quote about adapting to changes

Surviving Pandemic-Era Online Classes While Being Hard of Hearing

There are certain things we want and are hopeful for and yet we don’t always get what we expected. When we are expecting good...

Tertarik Ikut Konferensi Internasional? Ini Hal yang Harus Kamu Ketahui

Mengikuti konferensi internasional bisa jadi merupakan sebuah pengalaman yang berkesan. Selain karena kita dapat membangun jejaring di sektor akademik, hasil dari konferensi juga dapat...
Dwi Wahyuningtyas attended LPDP annual gathering in Auckland. Source: Personal documentation

Life after Studying Abroad: The Realities of Professional Career

"Many people say that the realities of life await us after university life. Once we graduate from the uni, we will face many things...