On-Campus Dormitory vs Off-Campus Apartments: Know Your Housing Options

When you become an international student in American colleges and universities, you have the choices of either staying in an on-campus dormitory or to...
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)

Dari Southampton ke Bangkok: Konferensi internasional di tengah tesis studi Master

Kolumnis Novelita W. Mondamina (Veli) kali ini berbagi pengalaman tentang petualangannya mengikuti konferensi internasional di Bangkok, Thailand, saat menjalani studi Master di University of...

Zita Reyninta Sari on Navigating through English and Indonesian Literature

"The national language and literature month is celebrated in October. In response to that, this article recounted Zita Reyninta Sari's story as a Master of...

The Graduate School of International Studies: Choices for Full-English Programs at South Korea (Part...

Are you thinking to take international studies program abroad? Are you still looking for which school that might meet your needs? Are you considering to continue...

Beasiswa KOICA: Pegawai Swasta, Beasiswa Ini Bukan untuk Kamu!

Bagi para pembaca, khususnya pegawai di sektor publik, ada kabar gembira. Terdapat beasiswa khusus untuk studi lanjut ke Korea Selatan, yaitu Beasiswa KOICA. Bagaimana...
Bodhinanda Chandra (Second from left).

Why study on computational mechanics matters to alleviate natural disasters and global warming: the...

Growing up in Indonesia, our contributor, Bodhinanda Chandra, realized that the quality of infrastructure in our country is still intolerably insufficient to protect people...

The adventure of a lifetime

Contributor Dian Aditya Ning Lestari (Diku) reminisces about her exchange experience in Helmond, Netherlands, and all the good things that have come out of...
Graduation at Macquarie University Australia

Studying in a Country where Everyone Calls Me “Mate”

Bakti Abdillah Putra, a Master of International Communication graduate, shared his experience when pursuing his master's degree at Macquarie University, Australia. Also, he reminisced about...

Biaya Hidup di Stockholm Sama Seperti Biaya Hidup di Bekasi

Kala berkuliah di luar negeri, apalagi di negara-negara berpenghasilan tinggi seperti di Eropa Utara, kita dituntut untuk pintar-pintar mengatur pengeluaran. Di artikel ini, kontributor...

Belajar Bisnis dan Manajemen di Stockholm School of Economics

Banyak orang yang mengenal Swedia sebagai tempat lahirnya ABBA, IKEA, dan Swedish meatballs, tapi tahukah kalian bahwa Stockholm juga dikenal sebagai ibukota startup di...