Sharing culture, championing diversity at the University of Southampton, UK

Our roots and heritage are embedded within us wherever we go. As we travel the world and meet new people, we will also be...

Mengupas tentang Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Australia: Sekilas Profil Zacky sebagai Pengajar BIPA

Dalam rangka ulang tahun Indonesia Mengglobal, artikel-artikel di bulan Juni memuat tema spesial berkaitan dengan “Embracing Your Roots Beyond Borders.” Kali ini, Yogi Saputra Mahmud (Content...

Let me introduce you, Indonesia!

Fefi, one of our contributors this month, shows what "Embracing Your Roots Beyond Borders" means. While doing her master study, she actively took many opportunities to...

Discovering Our Roots: Studying Indonesian History at Universiteit Leiden

“Embracing Your Roots Beyond Borders.” This year’s Indonesia Mengglobal anniversary theme rings true to one of our contributors, Satrio “Ody” Dwicahyo. Driven by his...
UBC Campus (picture from

Studying at the University of Melbourne vs the University of British Columbia

Our contributor Nadia Pranabudi got some valuable opportunities and a lot of exciting experiences while finishing her undergraduate study at the University of British...
Jeannette Zes and fellow Indonesians performing Ratoh Jaroe, an Indonesian traditional dance from Aceh, at a cultural festival in Manchester, UK, March 2020

Warisan Tanah Air Kita Dipuja di Negeri Orang

Merantau ke negeri orang membuat kita semakin menghargai dan bangga dengan budaya negeri sendiri. Jeannette Zes Giovani (Jeannette), mahasiswi S2 program Information and Communication...

Swara Nusantara: A Tribute to Indonesian Folk Music

In the spirit of celebrating Indonesia Mengglobal’s anniversary, the articles in June will be related to the special theme of “Embracing Your Roots Beyond...

Melanjutkan Studi di Seoul National University via Beasiswa Kampus

Bulan lalu, kolumnis Indonesia Mengglobal, Alvin Qobulsyah, telah memberikan perspektif terkait studi di Korea Selatan. Kali ini, Alvin akan mengulik lebih jauh apa saja opsi beasiswa yang...

Mempromosikan Tari Tradisional Indonesia di Italia

Berkuliah dan bekerja jauh dari tanah air bukan alasan bagi Pinkan Mulya untuk melupakan kecintaannya terhadap tari-tarian tradisional Indonesia. Saat menjalani kuliah S1 di...
Listra Lubis.

The journey of a wife, a mother, and a ‘cultural ambassador’ of Indonesia in...

We celebrate Indonesia Mengglobal's anniversary every year with a special theme. This year the theme is Embracing Your Roots Beyond Borders. We would like...