Kuliah di Jepang setelah Lulus SMA – Why not?

Tidak banyak pelajar yang baru lulus SMA berani merantau ke negara orang. Iman adalah salah satu dari mereka yang berani untuk melanjutkan pendidikan tingginya...

Is studying in the US (actually) safe?

In the midst of numerous mass shootings in the US, our contributor Steffen Hadi shares his insight into how this affects day-to-day life as...

Kuliah Sistem Informasi di University of Auckland Ternyata Asik

Ketika mendengar kata ‘Selandia Baru’, barangkali yang terpikir dalam benak anda adalah film Lord of The Rings yang mempertontonkan keindahan alam serta jutaan domba...

Chongqing: Not a book to be judged by the cover

Studying abroad in a foreign country and living in a city that people don't know much about might be challenging, especially when the people...

Berkarir di Sektor Publik Bagi Lulusan Luar Negeri: Ya atau Tidak?

Berkarir di sektor publik nampaknya belum menjadi pilihan banyak warga Indonesia lulusan luar negeri. Stereotip yang berkembang hingga ketakutan akan kesulitan berkembang dalam hal pendapatan...

A Brief Story of Studies and Internship Experience in Malaysia

In this article, our columnist Astrid Kohar tells the story of Aldris Prayogo Limpo and his experience of four years in Malaysia. While studying...

Living in the City of Angels: A Never-Ending To Do List

As one of the most popular (and populous!) cities in the US, Los Angeles surely boasts a myriad things to do. What are some...

Get Published to Help Your Portfolio Flourish

A portfolio is an important document to show if you have the appropriate experience, sets of skills, and competencies that are needed to apply...

Studying abroad in Japan: Expectation and Reality

Foreigners who travel to a certain country will definitely have different perspectives than the ones who actually live there. Moreover, certain expectations can also...

You’re Never Too Old For A PhD: 9 Tips & Strategies To Land A...

Berapa umur yang tepat untuk mengambil studi lanjutan? 20an akhir? 30an? Kontributor kami, Muhammad Masyhuri, membuktikan bahwa dalam pendidikan, angka hanyalah umur; bahwa tak...