Lagom, Jantelagen, dan Kolektivisme: Pelajaran Hidup Dari Budaya Swedia

Saat berdomisili di luar negeri, kita tentunya akan berinteraksi dengan budaya setempat. Di awal, gegar budaya atau culture shock adalah hal yang lumrah. Namun,...

Prepare Future Skills for Global Collaboration with Study in China

Europe and America migt be the top destinations for Indonesian students to further their studies. However, in this article, Alifia Anandita, provides another perspective...
Faizal Adi Wardana

Living the Fulbright Experience

“Please help us change the world,” a cashier at a retailer in downtown Chicago said, gleefully, after he noticed the writing printed on my...
Elnoviamy and her son Radiant in front of the iconic University College London main building a few days before returning home

Graduating and expecting in London: A tale of fortunate events

In the spirit of Mother’s Day, contributor Elnoviamy (Amy) shares an honest and touching recount of her journey becoming a mother whilst pursuing a...
Sarah and her family in New Zealand. Source: Personal documentation

Graduated with Two Titles (Master’s Student & Mom). Why not?

"Experience pregnancy in New Zealand was a blessing and a challenge at the same time. In addition to that, everything that happened during the...

Ode untuk Para Suami yang Temani Istri Studi ke Luar Negeri

Bagi para suami yang bimbang antara menemani istrinya studi lanjut di luar negeri atau tidak, Alvin membagikan perspektif baru di dalam artikel ini. Seperti...

Belajar di Higher School of Economics Moscow Melalui Beasiswa Pemerintah Rusia

Studi jurusan Hubungan Internasional menuntut mahasiswa untuk berpikir terbuka namun kritis dalam memahami isu-isu geopolitis lintas negara. Tempat dimana kita menempuh studi tersebut pun akan...

My Experiences Traveling Around North Carolina for the Past Five Years

Just over half a decade ago, as someone who initially went to school in the Midwest, I could not imagine a life in the...

Balancing work and PhD during a pandemic

Our UK & Europe Columnist Novelita W. Mondamina (Veli) had an opportunity to interview Cynthia Jumita Ismail, who is now both a PhD student...
At Jabar Digital Service Office. Source: Personal documentation.

A Story of My Life-Changing Journey: From Sydney to Jabar Digital Service

"Pursuing a higher degree with a scholarship program becomes an ultimate dream for many prospective students. This opportunity can also significantly change our life trajectory...