Kultur Bekerja di Negara Asing: Denmark dan Turki

Banyak dari kita yang bermimpi untuk bekerja dan membangun karier di luar negeri. Tapi, apakah kita sudah siap? Seperti apa, sih, budaya bekerja di...
Wonderful Indonesia in Auckland Farmers Santa Parade 2016. Source: PPI Auckland 2016

Supporting The Indonesian Government while Overseas as Liaison Officers

During her academic journey in Auckland, Lavinia Disa had a tremendous experience in becoming a liaison officer for the Indonesian Navy personnel to the...

Kuliah di University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea Selatan

Bila membahas perkuliahan di Korea Selatan, kampus manakah yang muncul di benak Anda? Mungkin banyak yang berpikir untuk studi lanjut ke SKY Universities (Seoul...

Six Lessons from Working in Germany and Indonesia

Prior to leading the social startup pemimpin.id as its Chief Operating Officer, Benarivo had the opportunity to work in Germany. In this article, he...
Arliska Fatma Rosi (kiri) bersama rekan penerima LPDP lainnya di Graduate Student Center, Penn.

Mendarat di Amerika: Hal-Hal Pertama yang Perlu Dilakukan dalam 72 Jam

Setelah selesai pendidikan master di Amerika pada tahun 2019 kemarin dengan beasiswa LPDP – sebagian hati saya terpaut lekat untuk berkontribusi pada ilmu pengetahuan....

From East Timor to Europe: The story of tenacious and humble Dr. rer. nat...

“When my postdoctoral journey in Europe demands dedication and enthusiasm, sacrifice and hard work, there is a glimmer of blessing waiting to manifest the...
Sharin Yofitasari in Melbourne. Source: Personal documentation

Sharin Yofitasari: An Indonesian Motion Designer in Australia

"Sharin Yofitasari is an Indonesian motion designer who has been spending most of her professional career in Australia. In this article, she shared her...

Lagom, Jantelagen, dan Kolektivisme: Pelajaran Hidup Dari Budaya Swedia

Saat berdomisili di luar negeri, kita tentunya akan berinteraksi dengan budaya setempat. Di awal, gegar budaya atau culture shock adalah hal yang lumrah. Namun,...

Prepare Future Skills for Global Collaboration with Study in China

Europe and America migt be the top destinations for Indonesian students to further their studies. However, in this article, Alifia Anandita, provides another perspective...
Faizal Adi Wardana

Living the Fulbright Experience

“Please help us change the world,” a cashier at a retailer in downtown Chicago said, gleefully, after he noticed the writing printed on my...