Yogi at Monash University Graduation Ceremony. Source: Personal documentation

How to Build Our Research Profile during Master Degree: Yogi’s Experience

Some people might think that building a research profile is only necessary for a doctoral degree/PhD student. However, familiarising ourselves with research and publication can...

The Graduate School of International Studies: Choices for Full-English Programs at South Korea (Part...

This is a continuation (Part 2) from the article related to graduate school of international studies in Korea. You can read the Part 1...

Pengalaman Muhammad Tholchah Studi S3 di Finlandia Membawa Keluarga

Berkuliah di luar negeri dengan membawa keluarga tentu bukan pekerjaan yang mudah, terlebih dengan jumlah anggota keluarga yang cukup banyak. Namun, pengalaman baru menikmati...

The Twists and Turns of Robert Yota’s Journey: From Studying Finance in Colorado to...

In December 2016, Benedictus Robert Yota graduated from the Leeds School of Business at the Colorado University in Boulder with a Bachelor’s of Science...

My first experience bringing bioenergy into society

Our columnist Novelita W. Mondamina (Veli) will share her experience participating in a campus event, talking about her interest in bioenergy to the public....

Academic and Professional Experience in Transportation Engineering in New Zealand

Annisa Hasanah explored her academic and professional odysseys in Transportation Engineering in New Zealand. After completing her Master's degree at The University of Auckland,...

Doing Tibetology Study in India (Part 1)

Our contributor, Erica—a PhD student in Buddhist Studies, shares her experiences of studying Tibetology in India. The article sheds some light on doing studies...

Espresso, Aperitivo, dan Keberagaman: Pelajaran dari Pergaulan Lintas Budaya di Italia

Salah satu aspek yang harus kita persiapkan saat berkuliah ke luar negeri adalah mempelajari budaya setempat. Hal inilah yang dilakukan oleh Ghina Atmaniwedhana sebelum...
Robin Yovianto.

Must Read Lessons for Applying to Top-ranked Schools and A Glimpse of Stanford’s Silicon...

Preparing graduate school applications can be time consuming and very challenging. Having a strategic plan to fulfil all of the requirements could make this...

Menjadi mahasiswa Indonesia pertama dan satu-satunya selama dua tahun di Skoltech

Kalian suka melakukan riset? Punya aspirasi jadi ilmuwan atau technopreneur? Kontributor M. Ainul Yaqin berbagi pengalamannya kuliah di Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology...