Through the looking glass: Lessons from my year as a Master’s student in Oxford

Being one of the most renowned universities in the world, the University of Oxford is a dream school for many. So how does it...

Pengalaman Berharga Shafira Menjadi Valedictorian Speaker di Kampus Australia

Nindita Shafira Jumantara, lulusan Master of Strategic Communication sekaligus penerima beasiswa LPDP, membagikan pengalaman menariknya mulai dari awal perjalanan akademik hingga keberhasilannya terpilih menjadi Valedictorian Speaker...

Magang Penelitian di Kyoto University, Jepang

Negeri sakura sudah sering kita dengar menjadi tujuan studi bagi pelajar-pelajar Indonesia. Tidak hanya terkenal karena ilmu teknologinya, tetapi Jepang juga terkenal karena kemajuan...

Studying Hospitality Management in Switzerland: Why Not?

Do you love to travel and explore new places? Do you enjoy working in a multicultural environment? Are you eager to make a career...

Waste Management in North Carolina: Lessons Learned from Central Piedmont Community College

This past spring semester, from March to May 2020, I had the opportunity to take a short class at the Natural Science department of...

Sarjana meteorologi, Mariana kini perjuangkan etika lingkungan dan sosial bisnis

Kesuksesan bukanlah sebuah garis lurus. Mungkin itu kalimat yang tepat untuk menggambarkan perjalanan kuliah dan karir Mariana Octaviana Silaen (Mariana). Berlatar belakang pendidikan sarjana...

Surviving Master’s Thesis Writing 101

Our columnist, Lavinia Disa, shared her experience in completing her master's thesis at The University of Auckland, New Zealand. Some essential tips were also...

Teaching English for Thai Students

In this article, Annisa shares her experiences of teaching English for two years in Thailand. The journey was not an easy one, yet it...

Global Volunteer AIESEC: Kini, Republik Ceko Adalah Rumah Keduaku

Selama 6 minggu di bulan Januari-Februari 2020, Farrel Alvieri mengikuti program Global Volunteer AIESEC di Republik Ceko. Mahasiswa Universitas Jember ini berbagi pengalamannya mewakili Indonesia di...
Syahid Deradjat

Life at Cornell: Syahid Deradjat shares his experience of attending an Ivy League University

Our contributor, Syahid Deradjat shares his experience of studying at Cornell University, one of the Ivy League Schools in the US. The Ivy League...