UCAS: Cara Mendaftar Kuliah S1 ke Inggris

Sekitar 3 bulan lagi pendaftaran perkuliahan ke Inggris akan dibuka loh. Tahukah kamu jika pendaftaran kuliah di Inggris biasanya serentak dilakukan pada bulan September...

5 Steps I Took to Improve my Japanese Language Fluency

July is the month of Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) and if you’re taking the exam, I wish you all the best! Now if...

Sedang Kuliah di Eropa? Raih Kesempatan Memperoleh Beasiswa Erasmus+!

Kamu mungkin sudah pernah mendengar tentang beasiswa Erasmus Mundus, tapi sudah kenalkah kamu dengan 'saudara'-nya, Erasmus+? Program Erasmus+ ditujukan bagi mahasiswa yang sedang menempuh...
Kelulusan dari Disney

Kerja di Walt Disney World!

Seperti banyak anak-anak lain, Disney merupakan bagian besar dari hidup saya. Kebanyakan film dan TV show favorit di masa kecil saya merupakan film Disney, seperti The Lion...

Studying Mandarin at Peking University: Window of Knowledge

As China's international influence continues to grow, the Mandarin language skill has become an asset for young professionals who are entering the job market....

Puasa ramadhan ala mahasiswa di Wellington, Selandia Baru

Berpuasa di negara minoritas muslim memiliki kesan unik tersendiri, terkadang suka ataupun duka. Berikut cerita dari kontributor Fikriyatul Falashifah saat menjalankan puasa ramadhan ketika sedang kuliah...

Taking Class from the Comfort of Your Home: HKUST X Minerva Scholars Program

With the era of digital learning, university education is getting transformed to becoming more borderless and innovative.  Hong Kong University of Science and Technology...

I’m A Capitalist and This is How I Contribute to The Society

The words capitalism and capitalist somehow managed to have such a bad reputation among many people --- like they’re a disease to the society,...

Teaching in the US: A Moment Full of Learning Experience!

Though she had previously been a lecturer in Indonesia, Yopina Pertiwi found that teaching in the US was different. As a graduate student at the University...

Promoting Indonesia to the World

When we live abroad, we become a representation of our country to other people. What we do with that is up to us. Indonesia Mengglobal...