Raden Adjeng Kartini and the Continuation of Her Legacy Through My Study Abroad Experience

April 21st is celebrated as Hari Ibu Kita Kartini in Indonesia. Although it has been more than a century from her time, the spirit...

From comics to commerce: Why I studied Japanese.

The popularity of Japanese language and culture in Indonesia never cease to exist despite the growing importance of other languages that are deemed to...

Penantian yang Menjadi Kenyataan untuk Menimba Ilmu di Luar Negeri

Mengharap ridho dari orang tua serta bersabar dalam menjalani setiap proses mungkin merupakan rangkaian kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan bagaimana perjuangan saya agar bisa...

(Mastering) The Art of Getting Rejected

Getting rejected from a university of your choice will probably leave you feeling anything but ecstatic.  Even though it isn’t exactly the world’s greatest...

Help, I’m Stuck with a “Wrong” Degree!

Millennials in the 21st century grew up in a situation where they are forced to decide what they want to do when most of...

Commission on the Status of Women

Kuliah di luar negeri tentunya membuka banyak pintu untuk berpartisipasi di beragam acara di tingkat internasional. Seringkali kesempatan ini datang melalui organisasi yang kita...
Alda Prawitera, a Melbourne Graduate

Worklife is tough but so are you!

The writer dedicates this article to those who just recently graduated. Here’s the story of Alda Prawitera, a Melbourne graduate and the 3 major...

Perjalanan Berlayar Mengenal ASEAN dan Jepang Melalui SSEAYP (2)

Adalah suatu kebanggaan tersendiri bisa mewakili bangsa di panggung internasional. Seperti apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Ranitya Nurlita dalam the Ship for Southeast Asian...

Preparation for Success – An Indonesian Story

Indonesians have been exploring the area beyond the archipelago since the ancient time. The Buginese sailors are well known for their fearless adventurous spirit...

See the World through Professional Medical Exchange

Unlike other professions, having a medical degree does not guarantee work placement or clinical-based specialization training in other countries. The medical education system is...