Solving the Dilemma of Student Halls vs. Private Accommodations

Earlier this month, I reminisced a fond memory of receiving a congratulatory email from LSE a year ago. At that time, the biggest chunk...

Living Overseas on a Budget: Is it Possible?

The word overseas is usually identical to expensive living cost. Is that true? Here are some few popular questions regarding living cost: “How much is...

Mengerjakan Instalasi Pameran di Princeton University

Bulan lalu, saya dapat pekerjaan kecil-kecilan. Ceritanya panjang. Tapi, begini ringkas ceritanya dalam satu paragraf. Etienne Turpin, peneliti Anthropocene, juga pendiri, menyurati saya. Ia diundang...

How Art History Shapes My Life

The still sound of footsteps and whispered conversations echoed through a series of blank space, all bounded with white walls and crisp wooden floors....

A Survival Guide to Study Abroad

Studying abroad is a mission, a challenge and also a life-changing experience. It is bound to be one of the best phases in your...

Belajar Linguistik di Taiwan: Apa dan Mengapa?

Salam hangat teman-teman pembaca blog Indonesia Mengglobal. Melalui tulisan ini saya ingin membagi pengalaman pribadi saya saat mempelajari linguistik di Taiwan, salah satu negara...

Pemilihan Program MBA (Bagian Pertama)

Halo para pembaca Indonesia Mengglobal, kenalkan nama saya Iswara Gozali. Saat ini saya bekerja di Appota, sebuah perusahaan mobile apps distribution. Sebelumnya, saya adalah...

Kuliah Master’s Degree di Aarhus University, Denmark

Banyak yang bertanya ke saya, mengapa saya memilih untuk kuliah di Aarhus University, Denmark. Pada artikel saya bulan lalu, tentang “Kenapa Denmark?” di artikel...
clarinna wijaya pastry chef from accounting melbourne australia

From Accounting to Pastry: Follow Your Passion!

In 2009, I came to Melbourne, Australia, the city where I currently live. After completing my Foundation Studies at Trinity College in the same year,...

Hungary: Where My Story Begins

Inspired by my grandfather and mother who studied abroad in America and Europe,  a new roll on my bucket list is added; to study...