Figure 1. Me and the fellow interns (I am the second person from the right). Photo source: ADB Website

Internship at the International Development Organization: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Have you ever wondered how is it to work at an international development organization, such as Asian Development Bank (ADB)? What are the benefits...

Belajar Pentingnya Perlindungan Data Pribadi Saat Kuliah di Swedia

Saat berada di luar negeri, tentunya kita ingin mengabadikan momen-momen berharga dan membagikannya di media sosial. Itu wajar. Tapi apakah kalian sadar, mungkin di...

Changing Your Major Does Not Have to Be Scary

Our new North and Latin America columnist, Inef, is an alumnus of the University of North Carolina at Asheville, class of 2018.  In this...

Going to grad school? Here are three things that you need to learn

Going to a graduate school abroad can be exciting and nerve-racking at the same time. ‘What should I do in order to excel academically?’,...

Mencicipi Profesionalisme dan Budaya Kerja di Kampus Australia

*Berkuliah di luar negeri tidaklah berkaitan dengan tugas dan kuliah di dalam kelas semata. Kuliah di luar negeri juga dapat membuka peluang pengalaman volunteering,...
This photo was taken by the author himself, on his first holiday ever since his arrival (as a full-time student) in Japan. This trip was possible because of the salary he earned from his internship.

IT Internships in Japan

Have you ever wondered how to get an internship in the IT sector in Japan? What are the tips and tricks to get one? Through...

Manage Fear and Conquer!: Reflection and Farewell from 2019/2020 Team

One chapter closes, another begins anew! Cazadira Fediva Tamzil, 2019/2020 President of Yayasan Indonesia Mengglobal, shares her reflection of the last year and a farewell note, as she...

Internship in Germany: How Is It Like?

An internship is the best way for university students to learn about the professional world and further their career interests. With an internship, not...
Playing in the first tournament of the school year at Grinnell College (now as a junior).

Ultimate Frisbee: How Playing a Sport Shaped My College Experience

Our contributor Astrella Sjarfi never thought that doing a sport and joining a university team sport would shape her college experience. Astrella—who had never...

First Things First: Study Program, Scholarship, or Letter of Acceptance from University?

For everyone who is currently preparing an application for his/her study, they might wonder which to secure first: study program, scholarship, or university letter...